Thu 12 Aug 2010
A question I frequently see asked on the Internet is whether agile teams should release every iteration (or even more frequently) or not. When asked in relation to Scrum the question is usually if software should be released every sprint. With other methods – like now-popular Kanban – the question is what release frequency would be right, as the method itself doesn’t say anything about it.
I think that many times this question reveals an underlying confusion between keeping software releasable and actually releasing it to the public. I think one construct from Scrum can help clarify things here.
Scrum calls explicitly for a “shippable product increment” to be delivered at the end of each sprint. It means that the end of each&every sprint a new version of the software must be ready that passes the quality criteria (in Scrum expressed as the “definition of done“) and ideally includes all the features the team committed to delivering at the sprint’s outset. However, this new version is called “shippable” not “shipped” for a reason. This reason is that whether to release a new version of software to the users is ultimately a business decision.
This distinction is very important. Just like the shape of the backlog is a result of a whole series of business decisions made by the Product Owner the decision to go with the product to the public is a decision that can be (and quite frequently is) made by stakeholders. As such it is definitely out of the scope of any process/method managing the development itself or the team doing the development.
There are of course numerous benefits from actually releasing each and every “shippable product increment“: greater user satisfaction, faster user feedback, better discipline in the team and less risk (deploying smaller changes is less risky than deploying a big-bang, all-changing release). In fact this is what we have been always practicing, also when working on our Scrum tool.
However it has to be understood that situations (companies, products, etc.) vary and can be very different. Sometimes there are other factors involved – for example domain (in embedded software releasing every sprint may not be even possible), market influence (eg. developing a major feature and not wanting to let on before it is complete) or alignment with other elements (like when software is part of a larger project, where other things have to be in place for the new features to be used or usable).
So, a team can be agile even if what they develop is not released every iteration. They just have to work as if it was in terms of quality and effort spent testing the software to ensure that it could be deployed when needed.