August 2006

I’m in an interesting state tonight. I can’t force myself to go to sleep yet again. So I’m up, too tired to work, not tired enough to retire. And what I’m trying to do is postpone the judgement, defer the evaluation of the last events and their meaning. Even though said meaning seems pretty obvious (and predictable) it’s wiser to wait until I’d really have to act. To act some evaluation of known facts leading to a belief on how things stand is indispensable. Before that it’s unnecessary.

But it’s so hard to stop the mind from jumping to conclusions.

It has been long debated why there is not much new, exciting software for open source platforms like Linux, especially office tools and user toys. An article precisely about this in OSWeekly made it to Slashdot creating all kind of technical and ideological discussions. It’s really interesting how technology concentrated geeks just plainly miss the most important point which is money. (more…)

When I was doing my first project management course I was a bit surprised how simple and ordinary all the presented techniques and methods seemed. I promptly shared my observation with our trainer, saying that this whole project management thing appears to me to be just common sense. She replied “Yes, this is mostly common sense, but it’s not common practice”. Even though I don’t even remember her name this sentence stuck in my head… and finally I reached the stage when I can appreciate it fully. (more…)

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