I’m here on a business trip, but even so I spend every minute I can on the beach. It’s not what you can think – I had to walk around in a sweatshirt today as it was quite cold, especially for this time of the year. But it is warm enough to sit on the sand and look the waves on the Gdansk Bay. (more…)
June 2006
Sat 24 Jun 2006
Wed 21 Jun 2006
I arrived to Gdansk today, I’ve just got to my hotel room from the airport an hour ago. I have a view on the sea from my room and through the open window I can hear the waves. This sound is like no other on Earth – soothing and calm. It will rock me to sleep tonight.
And it reminded me that I should listen to my heart and follow its call, not be pushed elsewhere by the everyday rush.
Wed 14 Jun 2006
I was to Bern again. Last time it was December, freezing etc. – now it was much better, warm and sunny. I’ve spent most of those two days on a meeting in our shareholder HQ. It is a sterile, impersonal building which reminds me of an airport and a library at the same time. It is as aseptic and modern as airports, yet as quiet as a library. Few office plants, well groomed and monitored by electronic sensors, seem just a part of it. (more…)
Wed 7 Jun 2006
A few days ago media reported about the closure of ThePiarateBay.org, a Swedish torrent site. It was not only one of the biggest torrent sites on the net, but also one known for ridiculing law threats received from American companies. Its operators believed that their site is legal under the Swedish law and laughed openly at letters coming from US lawyers. So, when the Swedish police raided their hosting center and removed all servers found there (including some belonging to other businesses and organizations) media articles were full of gleeful statements [PDF] from MPAA and RIAA. (more…)