Sun 1 Jun 2008
I’m switching to Microsoft Live Search. I’ve changed the default search engine in my browser and I vow to use it as my primary search engine from now on. And I think my reasons for doing it are worth sharing here.
First, make no mistake: I’m not a Microsoft fan and I never was. I was a Linux evangelist about 12-10 years ago and I’m an avid Apple and Mozilla user now. I think MS’s operating systems suck and always did – they are in fact responsible for entrenching bad software as a standard and degrading people’s expectations about software quality in general. And as a company they are as bad as you can get.
So I’m not doing it because I love Microsoft or because I think Live Search is a better search engine. I’m just fed up with Google – and also a bit concerned: my concern is that relying exclusively on Google’s search results affects my worldview too much.
Google has a de-facto monopoly on web search. Therefore everyone fights (with all kinds of SEO techniques) to be on top of Google’s ranking (because almost no one looks further). The effect is that on the first page of Google’s results you are more likely to find someone actively pushing his mediocre content than people who just have good content and no active “SEO strategy”. Also, Google has been known to censor its search results in the past. No matter what reasons they have and whether I agree with them by doing so they try to shape the worldview of millions – including mine – by removing some sites and through that some points of view. Now, that is not ok.
So, I want to see the world through a different lens – not necessarily a fundamentally better one, but at least a different one. And I’ll be actively encouraging others to do the same thing – not necessarily switch to Live Search, but at least throw away Google-Matrix glasses and look at the web from different angles.
June 2nd, 2008 at 9:49
Don’t forget provacy issues with Google, they’re able to know you just looking at what you’re searching for.
June 2nd, 2008 at 14:30
Hi Andy, very nice blog!
You should try to use:
June 5th, 2008 at 0:33
Miocrosoft Live Search, aye? And what about our own home made, super shiny, fruitful Sprinter Search? And I thought that we’re having this “eat your own dog food” philosophy…
June 11th, 2008 at 20:29
I agree that alternatives are a good thing, that’s why I drink Pepsi, own a Mac and drive a rotary powered car. I am a little cofused though why you would go from one monopoly to the other. We all know alternative products to Microsoft are better, but Google’s search does work good, and if there are alternatives that are at least as good, I would use them for sure. Hopefully some geniuses out there will come up with search technology that is better, and maybe someone has-and slap me for not knowing about it.