September 2006

Fear is a bad adviser. Especially so in the matters of the heart. It’s saddening to see people abstain from reaching for their dreams, from following their hearts just because of fear. And usually it’s fear of things that either won’t matter in a couple of months or are not a problem in themselves. Like people working together afraid of opening up to their love – it won’t matter at all in the long run where they met. It will hurt in the long run if they don’t.

But even worse than fear itself is fear coupled with pity. Following their collective advice is a sure recipe for unhappiness.

This Friday it will be a year since I joined my current company. Looking back at how it was then and how it is now makes me realize how much we achieved during that time. And so did I – I have to admit it despite all my dissatisfaction with the speed we move at. (more…)

I was in Gdansk again last weekend. Just three days at the seaside, one of which I spent going to the tip of the Hel peninsula and wandering there along the half-empty beaches with my old, film based camera. Lots of thinking, lots of non-thinking but just being there with the sea. I even sat zazen on the sand facing the waves. (more…)

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