Wintry weather, especially the wave of extreme cold we experienced in Central Europe recently made me reflect on flexibility, adaptability of our race. Humans live everywhere from sweltering heat of equatorial jungles and deserts to bitterly cold sub-arctic Canada and Siberia. (more…)
January 2006
Tue 31 Jan 2006
Sun 29 Jan 2006
While talking with my friends in Berlin the issue of workaholism was raised. Just a week before someone else did just the same. Both times it was in context of my current work and both times it was a woman who suggested that I’m, well, a workaholic. (more…)
Mon 23 Jan 2006
I’ve spent yesterday with my friends in Berlin. We started with a late brunch at a nearby restaurant/cafe and then wandered around the city mainly by car (it was too cold to walk for more than 5 minutes) seeing places and visiting some other pubs/bars/whatevers. If that’s Berliner’s lifestyle – and my hosts told me it is – then I like it. (more…)
Sat 21 Jan 2006
It has been another long day. Got up at 6:30, boarded first train on 7:50 from Cracow to Warsaw. There was no diner, the conductor said that overnight the heating broke down so there was no point in having it on the train as it would be freezing inside. I suggested they could always sell ice-cream there, everybody in the compartment laughed but I was hungry anyway. (more…)