Mon 6 Jun 2005
Today was a strange day, full of stress, some inexplicable nervousness despite the fact that I’ve managed to do most of what I planned. I then enjoyed, as usual, my Spanish class but afterwards a sadness caught up with me.
I think this wave of sadness has something to do with the Spanish course coming to an end next week. The truth is that I like the group and our teacher. There is something deep down in her eyes I’m going to miss and I know it already. I just remind myself that parting ways with people is a big part of life and nothing can be done about that. It’s just good we could walk together this part of our paths.
I managed to sit in the morning despite starting the day with work. I hope to do better tomorrow, however the sole fact that I manage to sit almost every day is a source of profound satisfaction for me. Tomorrow I will also go sit in the zendo.
June 6th, 2005 at 23:51
Me gusta leer tu pagina Web, por que eres muy expresivo, intente mandarte un email la vez pasada pero no tuve suerte ya que me lo regreso espero que no pase lo mismo con este ya que no se si me atrevere a escribirte denuevo.
Yo soy mexicana y se hablar Ingles, y me gustaria ser tan expresiva como tu…. yo solo puedo expresarme cuando no ando bien, me refiero a deprimida o trizte, pero te escribi en español para que pudieras practicar un poco tu español.
Es una lastima que terminen tus clases pero eso significa que ya estas en un nivel muy avanzado.
Mi nombre es Dunia y gracias po tu atención.